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REPSA, committed to generating shared value


 REPSA, a HAME Group company in coordination with the Technical Institute of Training and Productivity -INTECAP-, the Municipalities of Sayaxché and Raxuhá held the closing and closure event of the 2021 program of the project "Guate is your land, stay", where 120 young people from the surrounding towns graduated in welding, motorcycle repair and maintenance, basic baking, chocolate making, making hammocks and plastic pita baskets. During the closing, the participation of José María Cabnal Bol, Mayor of the Municipality of Sayaxché, Petén and Carlos Tut, Mayor of the Municipality of Raxuhá Alta Verapaz, Carlos Abisll of INTECAP, as well as Tranquilino Chojolán, General Manager of REPSA and the HAME Group Social Management team; in addition to community leaders from neighboring communities. "Guate is your Land, Stay! is Grupo HAME's social platform that focuses on working with women and young people, making them protagonists of their own development, which allows them to improve living conditions for themselves and their families. The project that Grupo HAME started in 2018 has added strategic partners in its process, such as Fundación Azteca, World Visón and the Casa del Migrante, achieving the participation of more than 500 young people. For his part, Tranquilino Chojolan, Manager of REPSA, indicated: "For REPSA it is a source of satisfaction to have completed these workshops whose main objective is to involve 120 young people, men and women from 7 communities in the economic dynamics of this region, a project that "It will help improve the income of many families." José María Cabnal Bol, Mayor of the municipality of Sayaxché, Petén added: "We are grateful to REPSA as it has worked hard in the areas of influence to contribute to the development of the communities and our people." Guate is your land, stay, it seeks to prevent violence and the irregular migration of young people, which is why it focuses on developing technical skills that allow you to generate your own ventures or be part of the labor market in your locality. The project has three phases:

  • Capacitación:una especialización técnica que cuenta con cinco cursos disponibles.
  • Prácticas laborales:empresas de la región brindarán oportunidades a jóvenes.
  • Plan de negocios:se les instruye para generar un emprendimiento por medio de un fondo semilla.

Guate es tu tierra, ¡Quédate!, promueve la coordinación multisectorial, ya que trabajando de forma conjunta es la mejor vía para alcanzar mejores resultados al brindar oportunidades para el desarrollo de la juventud guatemalteca.

Guate es tu Tierra ¡Quédate!, es la plataforma social de Grupo HAME que se enfoca en el trabajo con mujeres y jóvenes, haciéndolos protagonistas de su propio desarrollo, lo que les permite mejorar las condiciones de vida para ellos y sus familias.

Como parte del programa, se abordan temas de salud y nutrición, buenas prácticas agrícolas y se fortalecen capacidades técnicas para que puedan generar emprendimientos propios o ser parte del mercado laboral; asimismo, se impulsa el empoderamiento y la participación activa de los jóvenes en su localidad. El programa tiene cobertura en Sayaxché, Petén, Malacatán y Ayutla, San Marcos, Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango y Tiquisate, Escuintla.

El gran objetivo de Grupo HAME es contribuir a la construcción de una Guatemala más próspera, con oportunidades para todos, por lo que este reconocimiento los motiva a seguir adelante, y llevar ese valor compartido a donde les sea posible.