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Zero Deforestation in our operations


At Grupo HAME we are committed to the care and preservation of the environment, which is why in 2019 we signed the Public Declaration of GREPALMA Partners Voluntary Commitment to Zero Deforestation in which we declared our voluntary commitment to not deforest forests for palm cultivation. of oil, in addition to contributing to conservation and restoration for sustainable development. As part of this commitment at Grupo HAME we support the restoration of ecosystems and we have satellite monitoring that verifies in almost real time the progress of compliance with the Zero Deforestation commitment. As part of this commitment at Grupo HAME we have procedures such as new plantations that contemplate non-deforestation based on the commitments of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil, we support the restoration of ecosystems and we have satellite monitoring that verifies almost real-time progress towards compliance with the Zero Deforestation commitment, we promote environmental conservation initiatives, adhering to responsible and sustainable production policies. Likewise, we established a fruit purchasing protocol as a requirement that our suppliers comply with the policies of no deforestation, no peat plantations and no exploitation in our Sustainability Policy. Some other commitments acquired in the Voluntary Commitment for Zero Deforestation are: Do not deforest natural forest for oil palm cultivation. Contribute to environmental conservation and restoration for sustainable development. Ensure that your palm oil production is free of deforestation. Act under principles of extended responsibility, influencing the practices of the actors in its value chain. Collaborate at the national level with the creation and promotion of the Voluntary Agreement for Zero Deforestation in the palm oil chain that came into effect in 2020. . Participate in dialogue spaces to promote the commitments acquired through this public declaration and encourage other actors in the chain to adhere. In this way we implement the best responsible and sustainable practices in our operations to contribute to improving the environment of which we are part.