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Grupo HAME participa en la cumbre de Líderes del Pacto Mundial


Grupo HAME forma parte de la delegación de Guatemala, en la Cumbre de Líderes del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas 2023 en Nueva York.Este evento reúne a los líderes empresariales, funcionarios de la ONU, profesionales de la sociedad civil y líderes gubernamentales de todo el mundo para impulsar el progreso en los 17 Objetivos de desarrollo sos...

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  831 Hits

Grupo HAME participates in the summit of leaders of the global compact


Grupo HAME is part of the Guatemalan delegation at the 2023 United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit in New York. This event brings together business leaders, UN officials, civil society professionals and government leaders from around the world to drive progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

  836 Hits

Grupo HAME participated in the “business and human rights” course


Irene Aycinena, Sustainability Assurance Manager, participated as a speaker in the "Business and Human Rights" Course, organized by the Global Compact, OHCHR, UNICEF and CentraRSE, to publicize how Grupo HAME has led the Due Diligence process. Companies from the manufacturing, services and agricultural industries participated in the event. Global C...

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Comprometidos con la conservación del ambiente


Grupo HAME y AGREQUIMA renovaron su compromiso anual para el correcto manejo y desecho de los materiales involucrados en las actividades agrícolas de nuestros cultivos de Palma, Banano, Plátano y Aguacate, por medio del programa CampoLimpio. Además de fortalecer las capacidades del equipo a través de la formación y asistencia técnica con el program...

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At Grupo HAME we reaffirm our commitment to the environment


Santa Rosa, a Grupo HAME company, participated in a garbage collection and cleaning day on El Semillero beach, in Tiquisate, Escuintla, as part of the Clean Beaches Program of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, which aims to conserve beaches free of waste and solid waste, and avoid contamination of water sources. This day inclu...

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  845 Hits

At Olmeca and Palmistería we are RSPO certified


At Olmeca and Santa Rosa Palmistería, HAME Group companies, we are proud to be certified since 2019 and 2020 respectively by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), for our Identity Preserved supply chain model. , Segregation and Mass Balance of sustainable palm oil. Fruit of teamwork Maintaining the certification has been possible thanks to...

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  850 Hits

El Triunfo receives a visit from community leaders


Reaffirming our open door policy, El Triunfo, a HAME Group company, received a visit from community leaders, young people, teachers, service providers, tenants, clients and institutions, with the aim of learning about the sustainability practices implemented in our operation. . During the visit, the participants were grateful to the company for the...

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  863 Hits

El Triunfo obtains RSPO certification for sustainable palm oil production


 At el Triunfo S.A., a HAME Group company, we are proud to obtain the Certification of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), for complying with the 8 criteria and principles for sustainable oil production palm, one of the commitments established in our Sustainability Policy. This recognition supports that in our operation we produce ...

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Entrepreneurship Fair held at REPSA


Music, food and fun was the ideal setting for the Entrepreneurship Fair promoted by REPSA, a HAME Group company, in which more than 50 microenterprises promoted their services and sold their products made from their own manufacturing. On this occasion there were sales of typical food, bakery, pastries and sweets; crafts such as baskets, hammocks an...

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  870 Hits

Grupo HAME referente en prácticas anticorrupción


Participamos en el Foro de "Mejores Prácticas Internacionales Anticorrupción" organizado por el programa Guateíntegra, un espacio que reunió a más de 100 líderes y profesionales de diversas áreas para compartir conocimientos y experiencias para el fortalecimiento de la ética empresarial. Desde 2019 contamos con la certificación de la Norma ISO 3700...

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  870 Hits

In REPSA they teach new practical courses


Thanks to the Guate es tu Tierra Program, Stay! REPSA, a HAME Group company, and the Technical Institute for Training and Productivity (INTECAP) started a new cycle of practical courses that will benefit 106 young people from telesecundaria from the El Pato Village, in Sayaxché, Petén. On this occasion, courses in Electricity, Motorcycle Maintenanc...

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  888 Hits

Working together for local development


El Triunfo, a HAME Group company, as part of the process of preparing the Operational Impact Mitigation Plan 2023-2025, held 3 workshops that are aimed at community leaders, young people and government institutions. HAME Group, as a strategic partner of the communities, carries out these plans that are the result of the Social and Environmental Imp...

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  894 Hits

Atlántida supports with school furniture


Atlántida, a HAME Group company, donated desks to primary schools in the communities of La Esmeralda and Montecristo (Quetzaltenango), Zanjón El Tiesto (San Marcos) and Valle Lirio (Retalhuleu). This initiative is carried out as part of our community relations strategy to contribute to improving the education of the local population in our areas of...

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  896 Hits

Grupo HAME promoting development


Guate is your Land, stay! The 2021 edition ends in the Frontera and Coatepeque area, with the closing event and graduation of 130 young people from the town. Guate es tu Tierra ¡Quédate! is Grupo HAME's social platform that focuses on working with women and young people, making them protagonists of their own development, which allows them to improv...

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Grupo HAME reference in anti-corruption practices


We participated in the "Best International Anti-Corruption Practices" Forum organized by the Guateíntegra program, a space that brought together more than 100 leaders and professionals from various areas to share knowledge and experiences to strengthen business ethics. Since 2019 we have been certified by the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Syste...

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  898 Hits

Grupo HAME more jobs, more development!


At Grupo HAME we celebrate the start of planting two new banana farms for export in the Ayutla area, San Marcos. This achievement has been possible thanks to the perseverance and teamwork of the great HAME family. The new banana plantations located in the Valle Verde farms have two packing plants that meet the highest quality standards, complying w...

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Somos reconocidos como un empleador responsable


Olmeca, una empresa de Grupo HAME, recibió la visita de representantes del Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social, como parte de la verificación que realizan a las empresas que fueron elegidas para recibir la Constancia de Buenas Prácticas Laborales y la Insignia Especial sobre Inclusión Laboral.El reconocimiento del Ministerio avala que cumplimo...

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  901 Hits

Reconocen nuestras buenas prácticas laborales


Nuestras empresas Santa Rosa y Bellamar recibieron la visita de representantes del Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social, quienes constataron nuestras buenas prácticas laborales como parte de la verificación anual a las empresas que cumplen con buenas prácticas laborales, por lo que recibirán la Constancia de Buenas Prácticas Laborales y la Insi...

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  908 Hits

Grupo HAME recognized among the companies with the best corporate reputation


Grupo HAME is ranked 29th out of 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in the ranking published by SUMMA magazine in 2023, according to the opinion of 2,000 senior executives in the region, including: CEOs, presidents, general managers, financial and marketing managers. It is a pride and commitment for all members of our great family to ...

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  911 Hits

They recognize our good work practices


Our companies Santa Rosa and Bellamar received a visit from representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, who verified our good labor practices as part of the annual verification of companies that comply with good labor practices, for which they will receive the Certificate of Good Practices Labor and the Special Badge on Labor Incl...

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  921 Hits